Goal Area
It is between the bottom line and the line of 6m. Only the goalkeeper may remain in the goal area. The attacker who penetrates this area is punished with a free kick, if not purposely have possession of the ball, will be given free throw. The player who invade the goal area, having thrown the ball, is not subject to any punishment as long as it does not result in prejudizo to the opponent's action.
Goalkeeper / Goal
The goalkeeper is the only player who can move to any position on the court, is the only one that can stop or hit the ball with your feet (but that's only in your area), it should play out as qualque lineman. One goal will be deemed that the ball thrown regularly exceed entirely by the goal line inside the goal.
Handling the Ball
It is allowed to launch, hitting, pushing, punching, stop and get the ball, no matter how, with the help of the hands, arms, head, torso, thighs and knees. Hold the ball during máxio three seconds, even though she was on the floor. Make the most of three steps with the ball in hand. It is forbidden to drive or handle the ball with their feet.
To the opponent
Use your arms and hands to seize the ball. Taking the ball from the opponent's hand with open hands, no matter which side. Blocking the path to the opponent with the body. It is forbidden to pluck the ball from the opponent with one or both hands, as well as banging his fist on the ball that has the same hands.
Goal kick
The goal kick is ordered in the following cases: when, before overtaking the bottom line, the ball has touched a player of the attacking team or the defending team's goalkeeper, being within their goal area. The goal kick must be charged within the area of the goalkeeper, and only he can put the ball in play.
Dropped ball
A dropped ball is marked where, kept the ball in the court and outside the areas of goalkeeper occur: lack of simultaneous players from both teams and interrupted the game for any reason or no reason to be characterized as a breach of the rules.
Corner Kick
The bid is ordered from a corner as the ball touched by the defending team beyond the bottom line (without the goalie that has touched the ball). The bid is executed at the point of intersection of the end line and sideline the side where the ball has left.
Lance lateral
The bid side is ordained since the ball has completely crossed the sideline. To be charged the player must keep one foot on the sideline and the other off the court, this case seje disrespected the referee may order new collection or apply lateral reversal, giving the right of charging the opposing team.
Lance 7m
This bid is only ordered the execution of a serious failure on the opponent at the time of collection of players Defeza attack and should remain Proceedings of the 9m line. The player in charge must keep one foot before the fixed line 7m and can not invade it or move this foot.
Free throw
Ordained free throw in the following cases: irregular entry or exit of a player; misbehavior, misconduct by players in the goal area; intentional release of the ball for his goal area; fouls the goalkeeper; performance or misconduct in the bidding side , corner kick, free-throw and 7m; unsportsmanlike attitude.
Before the implementation of all the above moves the ball will land on the pitcher's hand and all players should have taken the position regularly. Only the shooter may touch the ball and this should not be slamming it against the ground, as the arbitrator may consider the bid as charged and applied reversal move.
Yellow card
Serves to warn any athlete or coach. Applied in some faults, for complaints or when the player after a foul ball does not leave the place indicated, and may vary with the discretion of each referee.
Two Minutes: - This only applies to players. Whoever receives this punishment should stay out of the game during a períiodo two minutes (which is controlled by the timer), and may return to the game after permição with the arbitration table. During this period the team is left with one player less, this punishment is usually applied to desnescessárias fouls and substitutions incorrect.
Red Card: (or disqualification)
To be applied a red card the player must withdraw from the court and can not even stay on the bench and not starting over again. The team remains for two minutes with one player less after and can complete the team with another player. (The player who receives more than 3 "Two Minutes" during the match is automatically disqualified, suffering all the peocesso above)
This is an extreme remedy of arbitration used only in cases of physical and verbal aggression. The player who suffer exclusion can not go back to court and not sit on the bench, and his team remains until the end of the game with one player less.
Location of Arbitration
The play is directed by two referees, asistidos by a secretary and a timekeeper.
The Referees
The two arbitrators (judges) work together both in attack and defense moves from both teams. (Usually an arbitrator is in the bottom line, on one side of the court, and the other on the halfway line on the other side of the court). They work in cooperation and mutual support, observe beyond the focus of the game, all other players.
The Secretary
This sits on the board of arbitration has a summary of the match and must compute all statistics of the game, to help judges (such as number of goals: he scored the goal, number of yellow cards, two minutes and faults of each player).
The Timekeepre
It whoever controls the timing of the match, is also sitting at the table arbitration. It has a timer that should be stopped whenever the judges or coaches of teams so request. It is also a function of time bids "two minutes", he is responsible for the athlete back into the game.

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